Filed under Reblog

Originally posted on Eat, Play, Love:
Well you had to know the next international pick was going to be a good one. Miss A is up to bat after all. Some of you may remember that last time she took us to the country of Uzbekistan which turned out to be quite delicious. So where…

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Originally posted on Live & Learn:
We’ve all either given or received the career advice: “Follow your dreams.”  “Do what you love.”  “Love what you do.” Recently, there have been an increasing number of counterarguments making the case that if we were all going to “do what we love,” we’d starve doing it. I came…

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Originally posted on The Blurred Line:
I don’t hate vegetarians, vegans or people who just breathe air until they die of starvation. I just hate tofu, lentils and anything made of soya that is supposed to taste like meat. I couldn’t care less what you had for dinner. I do suffer from limited patience with…

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Originally posted on amaryllis log:
Sometimes it’s hard to figure out where to start when you have too many photos…you know me…way too many photos. We took a nice little break to Palm Springs this past week with a stop to one of my favorite National Parks, Joshua Tree. JT is the perfect desert for…

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Originally posted on Paddy Warwick's INFORM:
For me, whether it be relationships, family, business, sport and exercise goals, or whatever is important in one’s life – the key to success is positivity. As the great Bruce Lee once said, “as you think, you shall become”. “I got out of the wrong side of bed…

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Originally posted on wchadyork:
  Well, it’s that time again…  my favorite time of year has arrived.  The sound of shoes squeaking, crowds screaming, and hearts breaking will resonate for the next month.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you March Madness!  Which begs the questions, is the NCAA Basketball tournament the most exciting of all…

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Originally posted on Monna McDiarmid:
i. a long time ago in mexico my teacher-friend heather dowd spoke of her time in japan in a quiet voice as if we were in church. “it’s not possible” she said, “to take a bad photo in japan.” i loved that she thought that. ii. i confess to a…

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Originally posted on I dream of endless sunflower fields…:
I’m a budding plant enthusiast. So when exhibits and events such as the annual Flora Filipina that cater to such audience, I should never let it pass. Being a tropical country where there is quite a bipolar weather- either too hot, humid, or tropical monsoon washes…

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